Landing page and the benefits of using it on websites

As you know, one of the best ways to increase internet sales of any business is to use a landing page. Using this along with email marketing can help your business grow a lot. Stay with us at Gil Marketing to learn more about landing pages and their types in the rest of this article.

Landing page and the benefits of using it on websites

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a page of a website that a user enters by clicking on an internet advertisement. According to this explanation, can it be said that all the pages of a website are a landing page? Theoretically, the answer to this question is yes, but in practice, it is not correct. The person who clicked on the advertisement wants to be transferred to a page with the same topic as the advertisement and will definitely not be interested in being transferred to the home page because there are many people who are not interested in browsing the home page and want to go to the home page as soon as possible. reach their goal, otherwise they will leave the site.

Therefore, it is better that the page that we reach through advertisements is separate from other pages of the site and should be attractive enough to keep the person on the site and benefit from the other facilities of the site. A landing page that has unique attractions is more successful in attracting the audience and helps your business to flourish, so the more time you spend designing these pages, the closer you will be to your goal. With these explanations, it can be said that all the pages of a website are not landing pages.
It should be noted that, except for the landing page, these pages are also called target pages because they are designed with the aim of increasing site visits.

What features does the landing page have?

Each landing page has two main features that distinguish it from other pages due to these features. One of them is to have a specific model and the other is to design by getting information from the customer.

Components of landing pages

Landing pages are made of different sections, which we will explain each section below.

Having an attractive title for the landing page

The heading of the page is the part where the title is placed, and because of that title, the contents of these pages are determined. The more attractive the desired headline is, the higher the conversion rate of the user into a buyer. These headlines should have the two characteristics of being special and sweet at the same time.

Persuasive explanations

Any explanation that these pages need to give to the user is placed under the title. If this description does not convince the user enough, he will leave the page and will not give you any information about himself, so the advertisement is considered useless.

Build a form

On this page, a form is required to get the user’s name and email, and this form should be as short as possible, because the longer the form is, the more it has different parts, the more the person will get bored and not enter the information, so it is better to have as many parts as possible. Consider between 3 and 5 items related to a form.

Valuable site information

Landing pages can include information about the desired organization so that the user can make sure of his(her) purchase through this site.

CTA button

The CTA button or the call to action button is usually placed at the bottom of the page and directs the user to the home page, product purchase page or gift giving page to get his information. CTAs are the most important and inseparable part of any landing page. To make this button stand out, it is good to use a contrasting color so that the user can quickly recognize this button.

Landing page and the benefits of using it on websites

How many types of landing pages are there?

Basically, these pages are divided into two general categories, one is Click Trough and the other is Lead Generation, each of these two types is explained in detail below.

Click Trough Landing Page

This page, as its name suggests, is a page that the user reaches by clicking. For example, imagine that you have a store website that you have advertised on a highly visited site. If the user enters the product purchase page by clicking on the ad, he will be upset and leave the site.

For this, it is necessary for the user to enter a page that contains details about each product along with a complete description of each product. At the end of such a page, it is better to put a button to transfer the user to the product purchase page. The fact that two steps are used for the user to reach the purchase page will increase your sales and the user will become a buyer with a higher percentage. It is good to know that these pages can have a very positive effect on the site’s SEO, especially the product purchase page.

One of the important features of these pages is to get the user’s email in a smart way so that later you can use his email for email marketing and turn the user into a potential customer. A landing page is not a page that old users see, like the pages that contain the content of a store’s website. Because they entered the website through the URL and do not need to click on advertisements to reach your site.

Lead generation landing page

These types of landing pages are useful for getting information from the user, and those who work in the field of internet marketing use such pages for internet advertising. The most important information that can be obtained from the user on these pages is their email, which can be obtained through a form.

It is a very wrong thing to do if you have only requested an email from the contact on such pages. In such cases, it is necessary to force the user to enter the email by giving a gift. For example, you can use a free product, link to download e-books, educational videos or a discount code as a gift.

What is the use of a landing page?

As mentioned throughout the text, landing pages are used to increase the sales of store sites or to increase site visits. The various uses of landing pages in different fields make it one of the best choices for site advertising.

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