Writing an effective web content

In previous articles, we mentioned the information structure of the site, now you should keep in mind that you should not make the usual mistake that happens to new sites; What are those mistakes? In fact, you can’t simply copy your offline marketing strategy onto your website pages and expect it to work.
There is a golden rule that tells you that in writing, you must know your audience flawlessly. The more your content fits the audience, the more effective it is. This is exactly what is on the web pages. The difference between effective electronic content and effective physical typed pages depends on the different nature of its audience. A printed page is a linear medium; But a site is a random access medium. People read a printed text from beginning to end, but on a site, they can choose the content they want or even skip reading a part of it. Readers of offline texts are very patient, unlike online readers, they read their information right now.

Currently, we have very little information about the personality of online readers. In writing effective content for your target audience, you must consider the needs of customers first. The following content will allow you to find your audience in the infinite world of the web.

1_ Draw everyone’s attention to you

Web users are very impatient, forget formal introductions and long explanations, write clearly, write a summary and get to the point from the beginning.

2_Make your text scannable

Avoid writing large and continuous blocks of text, use headings and sub-headings and palettes to turn the text into a manageable fragmented and unique piece of writing.

3_ Write original

A unique and original content is the best way to attract users and manage them, and search engines love it.

4_Use the inverted pyramid

The inverted pyramid writing style is often used for newspaper stories. which can work very well on web pages. Your goal is to state the important points of your story at the beginning and then proceed to state the details in descending order of importance. Ideally, the user should be able to stop reading at any point. Open while understanding the general meaning of the text.

5_ Write compatible

Use a simple writing style and keep the content on the site consistent and together. If you use several people to create content; Use a generic or custom template to adapt their texts.

6_ Delight your reader

Use a conversational style, write as if you are talking to one person in a group of audience, this method will help you to excite your reader to high levels of personality.

There are many things that you can do to produce an effective web content and attract your online readers, and here we have summarized the important things for you.


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