Advertising on the web

As you know, everything related to advertising revolves around communication. Communication can be a bridge between the company and its current customers, potential customers or even former customers that the company wants to attract again.

For advertising to be effective, companies must consider different messages for each group of their contacts. For example, at the stage of customer awareness of the products, advertising messages should only be informative. In this case, the message should either introduce a new product or provide new applications for current products or develop the product.

At the stage of introducing the product to the audience, they should receive a message that explains how the product or service works and persuades the customers to change the brand they used before.

In the introduction phase, advertising messages should be encouraging. In the sense that they can convince customers to buy the product. In the commitment stage, customers should receive reminder messages. These messages should strengthen the customer’s good feeling about a brand and also remind them to buy the product or service.Companies generally do not consider advertising for customers who are in the separation stage.

Today, increasingly, many companies divide customers into different target groups and choose their advertising message according to each of these groups. The size of these target groups can be smaller when companies use web technology – in some cases it can even be a single customer. The new research that has been done about the behavior of website visitors even suggests ways that websites can respond to the different needs of visitors at different times. Here are some examples of these advertisements for you.

Advertising methods on the web

Various methods can be used to advertise on the web. The main methods in this field are:

  • banner
  • pop up
  • Advertising through e-mail
  • Advertising through search engines
  • And…

Advertising on the web

Advertising through search engines

Some search engines charge companies to place them at the top of the list or near the beginning of the search list, for example, Google charges different companies for advertising, the more companies pay, the closer to They are at the top of the list.


Most companies use banners to advertise on the Internet. Banners are the most used for advertising on the Internet. A banner is a rectangular box on web pages that shows a static or moving graphic image. The banner is linked to the advertiser’s web page. This means that when the user clicks on these banners, he will be connected to the main site of the advertising company. Advertisers tend to have longer banners to attract customers.

pop up

One of the most annoying phenomena in Internet search is the appearance of advertising pop-ups that appear on the user’s screen while searching in similar fields. Pop-up ads are usually automatically opened on web pages and usually accompany you when the user leaves a website or when you engage in other actions on the web.

Advertising through e-mail

One of the most common ways of advertising on the web is to send information about a company or product via email to people and companies whose names are on the mailing list. E-mail is becoming more popular among Internet users day by day, so it can be used as a safe channel for advertising. Advertising emails can include audio and video files that advertise a product, and links can be placed on the email page that users can click on to make a purchase.

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