What are the main stages of designing a website?

Before you start, you need to know why you are creating a website. What is the benefit of the website for me? It’s a simple question, but you’d be surprised to learn that many businesses never consider it.

It is possible that all business owners have a website, because everyone needs it and it seems like a good idea and solution in the past or now. But if we want to look at this from the point of view of digital marketing, the result is that the site is always like a small isolated island in a corner of the virtual space, which does not bring anything to their business, but is subject to the cost of hosting and Annual maintenance. Ideally, you should have a clear idea of what exactly the organization wants to use the website to achieve before you start building it.

What are the main stages of designing a website?

Do you know who your website is going to be launched for?

Knowing exactly who you are building your website for also plays a role in its success. However, it is surprising that this issue is also often overlooked in the process. Many websites end the design project at the request of the executive directors of the organization, instead of the people who will actually be the users of that site. For website success, you only need to appeal to a group of people and they are your target market.

The main steps of building a website in different businesses have different processes including different groups of people when designing, developing and implementing a website, but regardless of the method you choose and whether the process is formal or informal, a number of steps There are keys that are generally part of any web development project:


Creating goals for the site Analyzing the competitive market, defining the target market, how to find your site and what they need when they enter the site, drawing a schedule and recording all actions of entering and exiting the site.

Web design

Decide how your site will look and feel: colors, graphics, architecture, information, positioning, etc.

Website development

Putting all the elements together, creating an agreed design and building the actual pages of the site, creating content, links, etc.

the experiment

Make sure everything works before you release it to the internet.

Access range

Your new site is created on the Internet and can be found by the whole world. Think about how your users access your website, what do they want when they land, and how can your site meet those needs? Put yourself in their shoes, or better yet, ask them directly. Say what they want. Do some informal market research with people who will potentially use the website (online or offline), the results can tell the difference between a successful website and an online experiment.



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